From april 3rd to the 7th the Czech Republic has been hosting the International Fair for Agricultural Technology TECHAGRO, an event with great relevance for Eastern Europe on agricultural matters where the latest sector trends were presented.

This event, received exhibitors and visitors from European countries such as Hungary and Italy and international visitors from countries such as South Korea, providing farmers with an opportunity to share information and find out about the latest trends. Simultaneous events and fairs are also being held on veterinary science, forestry and hunting, as well as on renewable energy in agriculture. The Hungarian National Committee on Family Farming was present at the event among those attending the event.


Under the name “Rural Platform”, the Slovak National Committee on Family Farming comprises 15 member organizations which aim to promote the participation of young people in agriculture through innovative and creative ideas and by making use of communication media.

At the “Countryside is Alive!” conference organised by the Rural Platform in November 2015, young people, small family farmers, representatives from academic bodies, NGOs and political representatives discussed the challenges facing Agriculture in Slovakia. The main objective of this event was to give relevant answers in the search for solutions which will contribute towards the recovery and revitalization of rural life.

The Conference was also attended by Laura Lorenzo, representative of the World Rural Forum, who brought an international perspective on the support which young people and family farming deserves across the world.

Working in groups, participants discussed topics of interest such as the land strategy, the new legislation for small-scale agriculture, the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, healthy school meals, education, finance and business plans.

The conclusions of the working groups provided interesting proposals which the Rural Platform will take on board as future objectives in its work promoting Family Farming in Slovakia, such as adopting a long-term apolitical strategy for a period of approximately 20 years or looking for ways of facilitating access to land for young farmers.


During the World Rural Forum representative Laura Lorenzo’s visit to Hungary, the National Committee on Family Farming showed great interest in providing continuity for the International Year of Family Farming through various action strategies such as the Directives on Family Farming. Using this approach, the National Committee is already working on National Directives which will serve as a reference point when promoting family farming.

Participants on the National Committee are committed to supporting the improvement of quality of life for family farmers and after their visit they set up working groups in areas of specific knowledge in order to jointly agree Directives which support family farming in Hungary. The working groups are divided into (a) Rural and Agro Tourism, (b) small-scale artisan production, (c) land, (d) biodiversity and seeds, and (e) sustainable community production.

Furthermore, the National Committee extended the call for support for the IYFF+10 among its members by signing a declaration of commitment to the initiative and to participating in any of the working groups.

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