The third pillar of the UNDFF Global Action Plan, which cuts across the entire Plan, identifies “Promoting gender equity in family farming and the leadership role of rural women” as a priority. Work will be done to define comprehensive public policies, programmes and standards to address the challenges of rural women, family farmers and indigenous women and to guarantee their rights. The Action Plan sets ambitious goals.

Women play a key role in sustainable, productive and inclusive food systems, poverty eradication and the achievement of the other ODSs. They perform a multitude of functions in their communities but continue to be the most affected by poverty, social exclusion and constant violations of their basic human rights. It is therefore urgent that the UNDFF help to reverse the situation by ensuring the empowerment of women and the establishment of appropriate institutional and legal frameworks. In this regard, it will also be necessary to promote the participation of rural women in public policy design processes and the exchange of knowledge and experiences among women in order to achieve political, social, cultural and economic progress.